What is Initial Dex Offering (IDO), Initial Game Offering (IGO) vs Inital NFT Offering (INO)??


What is Initial Dex Offering (IDO)?

Initial Dex Offering (IDO) is a event for a project owner for fund raising and let public crypto investor to invest, the purpose is similar to Initial Public Offering (IPO) in stock market. IDO raised token/coin is always released on decentralize exchange (DEX), currently the most popular dex exchange is pancakeswap which is using binance chain network (BSC), but sometime it will be listed on centralize exchange (CEX) also, it is depended on project owner. Usaually, it will sold it at a lower price and with a vesting period.

What is Launchpad?

To raise fund or invest IDO project, we are usaually go to the launchpad. launchpad also known as crypto incubators. It is a platforms that allow blockchain-based projects to raise capital while giving access to early-stage token sales for their group of investors. There is many type of launchpad, here is the summary of different type of launchpad:

1. Blockchain Based Launchpad

Blockchain based launchpad will focus on single chain crypto project, for example BSCPAD, bscpad which is incubated by BlueZilla and BSCPAD launchpad is focusd on the crypto project which is builded on Binance Chain Network (BSC). Thus, you will only found Binance Chain Project on this launchpad. Similary, you will only found ETH Chain Project on ETHPad.

Here is the example of Blockchain based launchpad:

  • BscStation
  • ETHPad
  • ADAPad
  • TronPad
  • VelasPad

2. Multichain Launchpad

Instead of finding different launchpad to join, the most popular launchpad is multichain launchpad. Multichain launchpad is mean a launchpad which contains different blockchain type project, for example, Binance Chain, ETH Chain, Avalaunch Chain and SOL Chain etc network supported.

Here is the example of multichain launchpad:

  • Trustpad
  • Multipad
  • Turepnl
  • Anypad

3. Gaming Launchpad

Gaming launchpad is also a multichain launhpad, but it is concentrate only with gaming or metaverse project. If you are interest on gaming or metaverse project only, you should join gaming launchpad.

Here is the example of Gaming launchpad:



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